Rev. Dr. Chris Murphy


We welcome you to Newberg First Presbyterian Church! My name is Chris Murphy and I am grateful to be the pastor of this loving community. We are excited for what God is doing here. Our desire is to experience and embody the grace, hope, and love of God here in Newberg and through our mission work around the world. If you need a safe community that is warm and friendly, inclusive of all people, nonjudgmental, and that cares about justice for marginalized people in the name of Jesus, then we are here for you.

Newberg First Presbyterian Church is a historic congregation in our city, but we are growing young as we focus on children, youth, and young adults. We have a close relationship with George Fox University through our ministry to young adults and we are active in supporting Love Inc and other ministries in town that care for those who are vulnerable. Please visit worship on Sunday or come by my office anytime. I am also happy to meet you for coffee, lunch, wine tasting, golf, prayer, or some other fun activity.

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